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Whenever you add a new entry to your directory, you can list an email address for that entry. As soon as a user registers with The Church Connectory and verifies their email address, they will automatically be able to view any directory where their email address is listed.

If you wish to send an email inviting all members of your directory with a listed email address to start using The Church Connectory, visit the Directory Viewers page in the web portal and click on the "Invite All Members" button.

You can also send individual invites to people whose email address is not listed in your directory by inviting them as a directory viewer from the Directory Viewers page in the web portal.

No, your members can use both the web and mobile applications for free.

Directory managers have the ability to update all member information from both the web and mobile applications. From the web portal dashboard under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to update. Then from the "Manage Directory" page, you can add new families, groups, and staff as well as update existing entries.

From the mobile app, directory managers will still have the ability to add and update families, groups and staff. Depending on your directory settings, members will be able to update their own information as well.

Depending on your directory settings, yes they can. You have the option to allow your members to update their own information, upload their photos with manager approval, or upload their own photos without approval.

To change your directory settings, go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Directory Settings" tab to update your settings.

Yes you can. Go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Directory Viewers" tab. You can search through your list of current directory viewers by name or email address and Blacklist a viewer to prevent them from being able to view your directory.

Blacklisted viewers will no longer be able to view your directory, even if their email address is listed in your directory or even if they are a part of a directory that has been linked to yours.

To change your current subscription, go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Account Management" tab. On the account management page, you can change your subscription, change how you are billed, update your payment information, or even cancel your subscription.

Please note that once you have added more members, you will not be able to downgrade your subscription to one that allows fewer members than your directory currently contains.

Yes. Should you ever need all of your directory data, you can download a CSV file containing all the data we have regarding your directory members.

Go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Account Management" tab. On the account management page, you can click the "Export Directory to CSV" button to download a CSV file containing all of your directory data.

Directory linking is a one-way action where you invite another directory to allow its users to view your own directory. Your own users will not be able to view that other directory unless they also invite you to link with them.

To initiate a directory linking invitation, go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Directory Linking" tab. In order to invite another directory to link with yours, you will need to know the Account Identifier of the other directory as well as the email address of one of that directory's managers. To get the Account Identifier of the other directory, will need to contact that directory's manager.

The Account Identifier can be found on the "Account Management" tab.

Yes you can. Go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Directory Managers" tab. From this page, you will see a list of current directory managers as well as have the ability to invite other users to become managers of your directory.

There are two types of directory managers. There are normal directory managers and "Super User" directory managers. Normal directory managers will be able to create, update, and delete any entries in your directory as well as manage any non-account level settings. "Super User" directory managers are able to invite or remove other directory managers as well as designate other "Super User" directory managers. A "Super User" directory manager can also update account level-settings such as your current subscription and payment information.

Yes you can. Go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Directory Viewers" tab. From this page, you can invite Directory Viewers. Enter the email address of the user you would like to invite to view your directory and click the "Send Invite" button.

Should you need to prevent that person from viewing your directory in the future, you can use the Blacklist functionality available to you on the Directory Viewers page.

Yes, you are able to view any directory where your email address is listed. Even if you are not listed in a directory, the directory's manager can still invite you to be a Directory Viewer.

From the web portal dashboard, you will see a list of all of the "Directories You Can View" as well as any "Directories You Can Join". The Church Connectory mobile app will likewise offer you a list of all directories you can view or join.

Go to the web portal dashboard and under "Directories You Manage", click on the directory you wish to manage. From there, click on the "Account Management" tab. On this page, if you have "Super User" management permissions for this directory, you will see a section called "Billing History".

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